Finissage: Medium session
Medium session between Stéphane Barbier Bouvet and Margaux Schwarz
During the period of the exhibition, a medium session was conducted and recorded between Stéphane Barbier Bouvet and Margaux Schwarz. The conversation echoes the conceptual and formal parallels between Schwarz’ practice as a medium, and Barbier Bouvet’s work that similarly functions “at the service” of, or exists 144 as a communicative medium between people, contexts, and things. In this pre-recorded session, subtle meditations of Barbier Bouvet’s practice are uncovered and brought into light through the help of Schwarz, as they touch on questions regarding exhibition-making and art- and design history.
Margaux Schwarz (°1986 in Paris) is a French artist and spiritual medium based in Brussels. Schwarz’s work explores the sculptural nature of human relationships, as she considers the medium of sculpture as its own field of physical, perceptive, psychological and social research. Her art practice coincides with her natural ability as a psychic medium, a gift that runs through the feminine line of her family, and her professional practice of hosting private consultations with the public. Inhabiting the “role” of the medium, in a triangular relationship with participant and the supernatural, brings her to research and put into form questions related to embodiment of power, belief systems, desires for truth and transparency, and our sacred relationship to narratives and images. Schwarz is currently collaborating with Canadian artist Brendan Michal Heshka on a pyschohistoric project titled The Dead Are Always High.