
Infinite Play by Marina Pinsky

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About Infinite Play by Marina Pinsky

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Through the eyes of Marina Pinsky

slideshow 20.04-02.07.23

Klara Pompidou x Infinite Play

volume_up 05.06.23, 17:00

Conversation with Zoë Gray

notifications 24.05.23, 19:00

Masonic Modernism by Mostafa Heddaya

notifications 10.06.23, 17:00

Mixed feelings by Charlie Usher

notifications 16.06.23, 20:00


notifications 05.05, 18:00

Lawrence, Perpendicular Music

camera_alt 30.06, 20:00

Marina Pinsky

camera_alt 20.04-02.07.23

Infinite Play by Marina Pinsky


La Loge is hosting a solo show by Marina Pinsky which aims to level the social hierarchies built into the site’s historical architecture as a masonic temple. Forgoing the symbolic languages of the building’s past use, she overlays an entirely different complex of symbols, rituals and games. The exhibition’s central hall is rebuilt as a space for open-ended conversation. The arrangement of the interior is centred around a group of digital embroideries based on an early 20th century proposal from American industrialists for a thirteen month calendar. In our present, these meditations on divisions of time, and their arbitrariness, become a ground for light-hearted imaginings of new social dynamics.

Exhibition text